Monday, August 1, 2011


Do you find ghost in 5-ghost sector ?

Every house has a 5-ghost sector. Its location depends on the door facing direction. The resident at that sector will very likely be affected by various kinds of sickness. The risk is considered very high and that's why I like to highlight and wish readers to pay particular attention to it. If 5-ghost sector falls at the kitchen, the effects would be worse.

Now, does ghost exist in 5-ghost sector ?

Many have complained and narrated their experiences of existence of some kind of negative force at that specific location.
With more than 20 years of exploring the possible effectiveness of feng shui and more than 10 years of practicing universal energy meditation, I can reassure that it is not the work of spirit but the negative energy at that sector.
If 5-ghost location is worked out to be in the room, it should not be enclosed all the time & it is advisable to place reasonable size of black obsidian" fu lu " at that sector. It can help to absorb the bad negative energy.